Wanna know what it takes for a raw beginner to work with top names in the direct response industry? I’m proud to share this conversation with Copy Chief member Matt Mason who went from zero freelance gigs a couple months ago to being vetted by big publishers of direct response.
Melanie Warren shows you how to quickly slam the brakes on the head trash around building your authority as a freelancer... and how you can partner with the kind of people you actually WANT working with you.
Mike Rinard reveals how you can beef up the creative side of your Facebook ad campaign. (This is the same process Mike used to triple his fitness client's revenues from 20k/month to 60k/month... in only 7 months.)
In this special two-part series, Mike reveals the critical 5-step process to creating a money-making FB ad campaign. (The same process he used to triple his fitness client's revenues from 20K/ month to 60K/month... in only 7 months.)
Craig Beckta reveals how he got big boosts in conversions using the feedback he got inside Copy Chief... and how you can quickly turn your hobby into a profit-producing lifestyle biz. (You'll wanna hear how Craig canned a failing Guitar business and flipped it all around to build a thriving photography site.)
Max Hamm and I share the big copywriting and marketing takeaways from Copy Chief Live... and try to put into words what Tuesday night's "X-factor" show was REALLY like.
Catie Harris shows you how you can tune into your market's immediate needs using her unique "FIRE" formula. (You'll wanna hear Catie's insights on succeeding in business... even if your current environment is toxic and fuels burnout.)
Matt Ambrose shows you how you can tap into a warmer, cheaper source of leads for your business... and get a leg up on your competition who'll continue burning cash on expensive clicks.
Jason Rutkowski reveals how you can write attention-grabbing health headlines that'll boost your sales, and set your campaign apart from those "same old" ads.
In part 2, Addison Rice shows you how to inject sizzlin' lyrical punch into your copy using the musical fundamentals of tempo and harmony. (You'll wanna hear Addison riff on an email live on the episode... flipping it from flat to flavorful using his powerful songwriting principles.)
In part 2, Casey Stanton shows you how to conquer the critical prospecting side of your business and create the kind of authority that attracts people to YOU at events and conferences.
Casey Stanton shows you how to conquer the critical prospecting side of your business and create the kind of authority that attracts people to YOU at events and conferences.
Carolynn Ananian shows you how to inject gripping tension into your sales stories using her simple three step formula. (If you've been struggling with making your stories stick—don't miss this.)
Bob Conroy shows you his unique tips and tactics to getting your emails opened, consumed, and acted on... even in the most conservative markets.
Abbey Woodcock shows you how to write donation copy that'll attract the difference-making cash for your cause. Get this: most people WANT to help. You've just got to spell out exactly HOW their donation makes a big difference... Listen now to learn how.
Tjark Hartmann is a freelance copywriter who recently transitioned to promoting his own products. He shares all the struggles and mental obstacles he battled on his journey and what you can do to quickly rise above them and prosper.
Ann Irza shows you how to discover your market's biggest needs by asking the right questions. (You'll want to hear Ann's insights on why typical "surveys" fall flat... and how just ONE focused question can multiply your sales)
Austin Lee shows you how to use the hidden selling power of memes to sharpen your research chops, and boost sales for your business.
When research is limited, or you're just bored with the topic... there ARE proven tips and tricks you can use to get your writing flow back quickly. Find out how you can make "writer's block" a thing of the past using Angie's pro tips.
Julie Luedtke reveals the 6 things you must know to connect deeply with any market, and this is required listening if you serve the over 55 market.
Natural Health Sherpa Creative Director, and seasoned copywriter Henry Bingaman shows you how to add visual language to your writing that'll take your copy from bland to BAM!... without sacrificing the sale.
Amanda “Indoctrinatrix” Foxcroft reveals her unique "5 Cs" framework for prospect indoctrination. (Follow this and you'll wipe out your competitors from your prospect's memory... leaving YOU as the ONLY "go-to" solution.)
Chainsaw instructor Abbey Woodcock recently had the chance to test drive Joe Schriefer's "Copy-Boarding" method in one of her sales letters. Take a listen and find out how "Copy-Boarding" makes writing copy easier than you ever imagined.
Dean Edelson discusses the dangers of “scope creep”, how to eliminate it... and share some client war stories from deep in the trenches. Take a listen and find out how to NEVER fall prey to the confidence-killing shackles of “scope creep.”