Candice Lazar reveals the three critical types of proof you cannot ignore in your sales copy. You'll want to hear Candice's unique insights from years of litigation experience. (Know this and you'll prove your value like a lawyer proves facts)
Jody reveals the three biggest mistakes most marketers make when developing their voice, including the difference between real and manufactured authenticity... (Get it wrong and you lose your prospect in an instant.) Listen and find out how to develop a voice your prospect will never forget.
Hilary Styles reveals the three things you can learn from Frank Oz to create compelling copy. (It's no surprise his characters are still popular the world over since 1969!) Take a listen and find out how you can quickly master your prospect's voice using Hilary's lessons from writing for Frank Oz.
Pauline Longdon reveals the three critical things you must do in your business to bypass your customer's powerful BS detector. (You'll want to hear Pauline’s unique insights on why you’re likely using fake empathy in sales copy… without even knowing it)