Allison Carpio walks us through her signature process for reverse engineering the most profitable avatars in different industries, and, most importantly, how to find out what they really want and how to write the copy that will connect with their pain, desire, and everything else.
James Schramko talks about why he thinks of copywriters as “emotional snake handlers”... and how to discover what you’re ACTUALLY earning, so you can quickly give yourself a raise.
Customer experience is at the heart of what we do in business, but a good customer experience doesn’t mean that everything went perfectly. In this episode, you'll find out how to turn a bad experience into even deeper loyalty...
I invited some industry gurus to talk about the Best Things they’ve ever learned - like the biggest copywriting Super Power, handling multiple leads and the importance of having a “Step-1” offer - all juicy secrets that can be career changing. A few names you might know (like John Carlton) and a few "under-the-radar" names you'll be hearing a lot more from...
If you’ve ever struggled to create a single, straightforward sales funnel that does all your selling, then learning Todd’s 8 Secret Sequences is going to be a revelation for your business.