How do freelancers become experts in their specialty? In this episode, Mike Lukas and I dive into the different ways every freelancer can confidently tap into their own well of originality.
Max Hamm, a comedian turned copywriter, will teach you how to blend the two artforms (Comedy and Copy) to make your copy pop off the screen, win attention, build trust, and get the sale. His newest book called Funny Money, can make you more sales, while pleasing the Facebook gods and can actually lower your ad costs.
New copywriter? Good news, there are things you can do (right now) to get an edge on your competition. Top-level copywriter April Dykman and I will show you how to recognize the difference between GREAT COPY and BAD COPY that might look good on the surface.
Are you accidentally breaking these laws in your business? In this episode, Peter Hoppenfeld talks about the hidden legal hot buttons every digital business must avoid.