There are 3 basic ways freelancers screw up that costs them gigs, and puts their careers at risk. In this episode, Anika Watkins reveals what they are, plus 12 ways to stand out from a crowded freelance market.
You ever feel like you’re caught in the Information Spiral of Death? If you're a freelancer who's reacting and consuming to every book or article to in hopes of becoming a Freelancer, then this episode is for you.
I (Kevin Rogers) sat down at my local coffee shop to reflect on the journey into freelancing that we all go through.
YouTube advertising (more specifically, video advertising) is becoming the newest medium you need to master. In this episode, Patrick Kenney shares a few simple steps for any business owner to get started.
You may know Justin Brooke as a cold traffic master, but you probably didn't know he was bullied badly as a kid. In this free-flowing conversation, we talk about 2 important topics on cold traffic, plus how being bullied inspired Justin to make his own rules on living life at large.
How’s your Lead Magnet? Is it doing the job of establishing your unique expertise and giving value to your best prospects? My guest, Rachael Kraft, is one of the best at creating Lead Magnets that tick all the boxes for rewarding your prospect’s attention.
In this episode, April Dykman hops on to share how you can strike a massive ROI on your lead gen. How? By using The First 7 Days Formula to winning new customers.
Cindy Childress has a gift for helping people give a clear, concise and compelling one-sentence pitch. In this episode, you'll learn her Power Sentence Formula. plus find out how she's helped others create their Power Sentence using it.
The biggest hurdle in a successful freelance career is the need to “own your authority.” In this episode, you'll hear how I helped my students do this, and how you can get unstuck and begin to own your authority too.
If you write copy selling Ecommerce products, then you'll want to hear these 5 big advantages for writing eComm emails that convert.
Despite suffering a stroke, Brian Kurtz wasted no time getting back into inspiring us to be better marketers based on his 40 years of in-the-trenches experience building a billion dollar company “29 dollars at a time”...
Jonny Vance opens up about what goes into a Harmon Brothers ad campaign, and how any business owner can use their personality to create video ads that convert.
Dean Jackson is a master of "doing less." Less of the gazillion marketing tactics, hacks, and “crushing” schemes you hear about from other marketers every day. Does it work? Let's dig in and see...
How do you go about speaking up, calling it out, and proposing solutions when you’re on your own as a freelancer? Mike and I have a few ideas...
Learn the secrets of ghostwriting, plus the power of books to boost your authority, and why every freelancer should be writing one of their own - real or ghost.
Choosing your specialty is hard. But if you pay close attention to when you write what you love, you may be surprised to find your speciality chooses you...
Learn why Laura Belgray embraces imperfection and how the flawsome mindset empowers readers and sends your “know, like, and trust” factor through the roof.
News spread that Dan Kennedy was in hospice and saying his final goodbye. It struck me that Dan wrote books teaching SO MANY different topics that all of us have their own “Dan”. So I invited a few marketers and copywriters at the very top of our Direct Response mountaintop and have them answer the question: "Who’s Your Dan?"
If you’re tired of bidding flat-fee deals to resistant “what if it doesn’t convert” wary clients… then today’s interview with Joey Percia is going to inspire you all sorts of ways.
Have you ever wanted to kick yourself for saying “yes” to something you KNOW you don’t want to do? If so, there’s a short set of rules we’ve adopted in my freelancers mastermind group that prevents this from happening.
Marcella is one of the most skilled and sought-after copywriters in the world.
She is the ONLY copywriter who has worked shoulder-to-shoulder on campaigns with Parris Lampropoulos, Mike Ward, David Deutsch, Mark Ford and Clayton Makepeace.
If there is anyone who can teach us something about what it takes to write beyond our current ability, it's Marcella. In this talk, she shared the superpower that led her to work with these high-level names.
Allison Carpio walks us through her signature process for reverse engineering the most profitable avatars in different industries, and, most importantly, how to find out what they really want and how to write the copy that will connect with their pain, desire, and everything else.
James Schramko talks about why he thinks of copywriters as “emotional snake handlers”... and how to discover what you’re ACTUALLY earning, so you can quickly give yourself a raise.
Customer experience is at the heart of what we do in business, but a good customer experience doesn’t mean that everything went perfectly. In this episode, you'll find out how to turn a bad experience into even deeper loyalty...
I invited some industry gurus to talk about the Best Things they’ve ever learned - like the biggest copywriting Super Power, handling multiple leads and the importance of having a “Step-1” offer - all juicy secrets that can be career changing. A few names you might know (like John Carlton) and a few "under-the-radar" names you'll be hearing a lot more from...